The sense of project - to sell/to buy a car free of cheat

The majority of us who bought to himself the second-hand car faced a problem of search of suitable option. Every time the seller tried to hide at best any small defects, at worst - to sell not a liquid car.


How it works:

 - If you are selling your car you must add all defects for it in description;

 - If you are buying a car, please, pay attention on Reviews (there are two functionality in this web resource - Reviews/Sells);

 - If during the moderation we will find a cheat the user who posted it will banned and his car will selected and marked like a CHEAT;

 - Our partners and volunteers informs us about cheats in different countries and cities; with your help can:

 - to reduce risk to be deceived;

 - to find actual information on the car (after official history could occur anything);

 - to buy the car such as it is;

 - to get absolutely free access to all cars of this resource by search criteria;


What is necessary to help this project:

 - for addition of information you need to be registered;

 - if you saw deception or the latent defect at sale of a car, don't hesitate to add this information;

 - use VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) for exact identification of a car;

 - if you don't know VIN - you can add the general information;

 - always try to add actual photos are will help to define more precisely a car to the following buyer;

 - try to be polite and objective;

 - help us as volunteer or became as our partner;


It is important! Remember that any information has to be checked and if the car got on this resource with some defect it doesn't mean that it hasn't been fixed


My name is Alex Ast and I am the owner of this resource.


Any help to the project is welcomed. Further I will describe how proceeds will be used.


I am at the moment compelled to use services of a hosting. It reduces the project perfomance. If there is a big flow of users, most likely, the application won't even be opened. Therefore the most important point is a purchase of the dedicated servers at the moment.


Further development plans of the project:


 - purchase of servers;

 - add additional functionality for sale of a car;

 - development of a news line;

 - the development of Android, iOS version of the app;

 - opening of offices and departments in the different countries;

 - opening of diagnostic stations for a car;

 - development of the new directions and own engineering devices;

Terms of service

The present Agreement defines your access to and use of the services and any information downloaded or appearing on the of the site (further — "Site").

1. Common Terms

1.1. Use of materials and services of the Site is regulated by standards of the current legislation of the country.

1.2. The present Agreement is public. Using this resource and getting access to Site materials you automatically accept conditions of this Agreement.

1.3. The administration of the Site has the right to change conditions of the present Agreement unilaterally at any time. Such changes come into force after 3 (Three) days from the moment of placement of the new version of the Agreement on the site. If the User doesn't agree with the made changes he is obliged to refuse access to the Site and to stop use of materials and services of the Site.

2. Obligations of the User

2.1. The user agrees not to take actions which can be considered as the breaking acts or norms of international law, including in the sphere of intellectual property, author's and/or allied rights, and also any actions which bring or can lead to violation of normal work of the Site and services of the Site.

2.2. Use of materials of the Site without consent of owners isn't allowed. Lawful use of materials of the Site requires the conclusion of license contracts (obtaining licenses) from Owners.

2.3. When citing materials of the Site, including the protected author's works, the link to the Site is obligatory.

2.4. Comments and other records of the User on the Site shouldn't conflict to requirements of the legislation of the country and generally accepted standards of morality and moral.

2.5. The user is warned that the Administration of the Site doesn't bear responsibility for visit and use by it of external resources references on which can be contained on the site.

2.6. The user agrees that the Administration of the Site doesn't bear responsibility and has no straight lines or indirect obligations to the User in connection with any possible or arisen losses or losses connected with any site content, registration of copyright and data on such registration, the goods or services available on or received through the external sites or resources or other contacts of the User into which he came, using information published on the Website or references to external resources.

2.7. The user adopts the provision that all materials and services of the Site or any their part can be followed by advertizing. The user agrees that the Administration of the Site doesn't bear any responsibility and has no obligations in connection with such advertizing.

2.8. The user adopts the provision that the main language of resource is Russian and Site may contain inaccuracies translation. In this case, the user should refer to the text of the main language.

3. Other conditions

3.1. All possible disputes following from the present Agreement or related, are exposed to permission according to the current legislation of the country.

3.2. Anything in the Agreement can't be understood as establishment between the User and Administrations of the Site of the agency relations, relations of association, the relations on joint activity, the relations of personal hiring, or some other relations which are directly not provided by the Agreement.

3.3. Recognition of any provision of the Agreement by court invalid or not subject to compulsory execution doesn't attract invalidity of others provisions of the Agreement.

3.4. Inaction from Administration of the Site in case of violation by any of Users of provisions of the Agreement doesn't deprive Administration of the Site of the right to take later the corresponding actions in protection of the interests and protection of copyright of the Site materials protected according to the legislation.

The user confirms that is acquainted with all points of the present Agreement and certainly accepts them.